Friday, December 28, 2007

My laptop is possessed

Ok my laptop is seriously out of control. Ok nothing is apparently wrong with it. It just seems to do what it wants when it wants. A few months ago I wrote about the battery not charging that was it first issue. This past month however I think maybe its just trying to make me crazy. See I was cleaning my kitchen a few weeks ago. I was listening to the laptop in the kitchen and it was sitting on top of my space heater (which was not on because though I might not be a genius I'm just not that stupid either). Anyways to make a long story short I dropped it while it was still open when I went to put it away. So I ran back into the other room and tried to plug it in to see what kind of damage I had done, and of course it wouldn't turn on. Here's the thing try as I might for about two hours, I still couldn't get it to work. Then I went to my sisters, borrowed my nieces laptop, came back home the next day. Then just for fun I tried the power button on my computer. Didn't do anything except open it up and press power. The crazy thing turned on.
No problems everything worked just fine. I was a little scared to unplug and move it at all since I was afraid it might never work again, but today I got sick of tripping over the cord so I decided to give it a go. It worked again. No problems.
Then my next feet was to upload some pictures I took from Christmas. That it appeared wasn't going to go as planned. I did however manage to re-load the needed software and re-boot my computer. Funny thing I notice after I did this. The power meter was up, I haven't seen this in awhile even though its always suppose to be on the task bar (Again I don't understand). When I clicked on it the battery was magically charged. I didn't really believe it because the computer hasn't even read that I had a battery in months. Now its fully or at least 90% charged.
I don't know when it charged itself up or how for that matter. The one thing I feel vindicated on is that the problem is clearly not my battery. My computer however seems to have a wicked mind of its own. Be afraid be very afraid.

1 comment:

mule said...

Nice work Fonzie! Happy New Year!