Thursday, September 21, 2006

birds of a feather

So I went home tuesday night after work so that I could get my hair done on wed. I thought I would go kick my nieces ass for getting suspended from school for three days. I mean come on she is not even in high school yet and school just started. But alas when I got there to kick her ass it turned out that the fight was not hurt fault. Some chick punched her in the face from the side. I then did what would come natural to one such as myself, and proceeded to ask if she kicked the girls ass. She did not. In fact she got her ass kicked because apparently the girl clocked her from the side, and then she couldn't see. I guess that is kind of sucky.
While I was at her house, around the time I was getting ready to leave. I was playing with my sisters bird. I was actually quite amazed that she was actually not freaking out at me like she noramlly does. Its an african gray, named dolly. So I was playing with it, then the fucking bird bit me in the nose. I link a picture (Just learned to do that right now) so you could see how big of a bird it is to contextualize the bite. I then threw the bird across the room, not because I was angry, but because the damn thing was still attached to my nose. Let me just tell you that you shouldn't really stick your nose anywhere near a bird. My damn nose hurts sooo bad. Its like cut and bruised when is annoying because it itches then I scratch it and it hurts because its bruised. Seriously I wish I was making this up, but I not really that creative.
So the moral here is, ok well really there is no moral my noise just fucking hurts like crazy. Seriously who do these things happen too.