Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Plague

Well its seems as if the plague has finally lifted from most of my body. That is with one tiny exception, and that is that I can not taste anything. Well thats its a bit of an exaggeration, I actually can't taste anything except nastiness. This is actually less of an exaggeration than you might believe possible. But Everything I eat taste horrible. In addition to tasting horrible it stays in my mouth for hours. I know your thinking well just brush your teeth a little more often. I respond by saying if only it was that easy.
Thats the worst part. Brushing doesn't make it any better, mouth wash doesn't make it any better either. I feel like there is a cesspool of grossness. Turns out though, at least from what I can read of thing on the internet, that its the antibiotics that I've been taking that cause this. Now I was on a mission to, for the first time in my life, actually take all the antibiotics given to me. I'm not really sure that I can keep doing that. In fact I'm quite sure that I can not. I know this is going to disappoint my doctors and well my mother, from both of whom I received lovely lectures about the importance of finishing the whole bottle. However at this point either I don't take them and I can eat, or I take them and I don't eat. I think I need to go with eating. I only have like two days left of them anyways, and I figure I probably got more than two days worth of antibiotics when I was in the hospital, so I should be good.
I hate antibiotics. I think they cause more problems sometimes than they solve. I miss food damn it.

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