Saturday, October 13, 2007

I can do it.. they can help.

This is what Home depot tells me. And let me tell you I like to think I can do things even if I really can't.
Today I decided to ride my bike to the local home depot. I was going for two things first to get over my fear of bike riding on city streets by riding my bike more than the five blocks to the grocery store (ok I know its really more like three blocks but saying five makes me feel better). Second was to get some stuff to weather proof my windows and doors, so I don't its slightly less cold in my apartment this winter.
Now I probably could have walked to the local ace hardware which is only a few blocks away, but I did that last year, and I bought all the wrong stuff, and I couldn't do it, and they couldn't help. Plus the city hardware stores are SOOOO freaking tiny thats you get all claustrophobic just walking in the front door. Up until last week I didn't even know we had a home depot so close. I know I need to get out a little more.
Managing to make it to home depot without killing myself or others: check. Landing in the mother land of home improvement: check, check. Let me just tell you that I love the depot. And though I rent an apartment which would be pointless to renovate home depot really makes me want to do it anyways. Upon walking in the door I feel like stopping for a moment to go aaaaahhhh.
I did spend quite a bit of time perusing, but I only bought two things that were not related to winter proofing. .97 cent nails, so when I move again I don't have to keep reusing the nails I've been using for the past five years, and I flashlight, which you would know I need if you read about the storm a few months ago.
First I found a book though to tell me what I really needed for winter proofing. See I like that they tell me I can do it, but I'm not big on actually asking for help. Anyways I bought said supplies, but since I'm a little ADD and didn't read the weather proof page all the way through I didn't buy any caulk. After getting home and starting work it turns out that this is the one thing I actually need in the stupid place. So Tuesday I get to go back woohoo I'm kind of excited.
I know what your all thinking. Couldn't you just call and have your landlord take care of all that. And trust me they clearly don't care if my gas/electric bills are nine bajillion dollars. Otherwise the would have put in new windows instead of leaving the 1842 windows that actually have come with some pulley thing, and really don't open, or have real screens. I will let you know how the proofing goes this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never suffered chronic hard nipples before last winter.