Saturday, May 19, 2007

I hate the bus

Ok so after a long trying evening at work where almost no one showed up for work, I left to take the train home. Now the subway is closed for the redline train due to the stupid consturction. This is irratating enough. The trains however were suppose to be re-routed over elevated tracks so that you can of course get into and out of the Loop. Ok no big deal, right no wrong. Apparently on Madison and Wabash there was an accident in which a crane fell through the pavement and hit a building.,1,5123458.story?coll=chi-news-hed

Then all the trains and bus had to be re-routed. Well I just assumed that maybe they would have this issuse fixed by 11pm and I wouldn't really have any issuses. I was wrong. Only problem is that the only information I had was that the trains going into and out of the loop weren't going down Wabash. No information about where you were suppose to get the train. SO I thought to myself I'll just take the bus north and get off at belmont instead of walking to each train station not knowing which one was open.
Turns out this was not a good plan. Because well the bus I needed to take wasn't running, or that what I heard. But honestly I don't know which was the right bus except that the one I was on was not the right one. Try as I might to get off on time to try another route I could not. I could actually move in the damn bus because it was soooooooooo fucking crouded. I seriously had to breath slowly to keep myself from having a panic attack it was that bad.
So then I get off at the next stop which was apparently 22 blocks north of where I needed to be. So I walk across the street cause other people walked across the street, and I asked this couple that I thought was waiting for the bus. They were like you are WAY to far north. Turns out I was in uptown.
Heres were the story works out in my favor. I asked if any of the buses would go to belmont or near there from the stop I was at since there was no map. Then i was just like fuck it I'll take a cab. But they were like we are going south we can just share a cab and drop you off. Which they did even though I really didn't have any cash. They would even take the cash that I did have. I'm was really very surprised that they were soo nice. I can see my mom freaking out right about now reading this. But they were an average couple in their mid 30's. It was seriously crazyness. Now its almost midnight and all I want to do is go to bed. Shitty day shitty night but in the end good people. And no mom I don't normally get into a cab with people I didn't know, but it did seem slightly better option than waiting on the corner for a cab (which was already taking forever for one) by myself. Moral of the story I'm only riding the Belmont or Lincoln buses from now on. And I hate the CTA not that its thier fault this time. I just need someone to blame.

1 comment:

Grace said...

Transit sucks sometimes, but congrats on finding nice people! That's quite a feat.
