Monday, February 02, 2009

Complete and udder maddness

Everyday there is a new article in the paper about the women who had octuplets. The first story doesn't start out so bad. Then you learn that she already has six kids at home, the youngest a set of twins that are two years old. That same day you learn that the women is only 33 which is madness in and of itself. Her oldest child only 7. The next day you find out that the women is not nor has she ever been married, and still lives at home with her parents. Lives at home with her parents who say she has been obssessed with having childern since she was a teenager. Of course the crazy lady thinks she is going to be able to breast feed all eight babies. And she is still in schoold getting a master degree in you guessed it child physcology. Now someone wants to pay her money to write a book. She has 14 childern she has no time for a book. Apparently she does have money to hire a publiscist which is completely normal.
Now we all know I'm not one to judge. If you want to have 14 kids that is your God given right. I will tottally call you stupid as that is my God given right. However if you can naturally have 14 babies, and you wish to then so be it. But if you are going to have 14 babies artifically and your still living at home with mommy and daddy, and your not married thats is just insanity. Even worse are the parents who are supporting their crazy ass daughter. I mean to take care of the babies is one thing but the bitch is fucking nuts. And who is paying for all these fertility treatments, seroiusly. I almost can't take it. What the hell kind of doctor would let something like this happen in the first place. Its just too much to take.
Shocking really, I think that if I came home with baby and asked my parents to take care of it they would think I was fucking nuts, but 14 good lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am totally with you on this one! She is crazy, and how is she getting a Master's in Child Psychology... that's just what she needs - to be around more children. CRAZY LADY! (at least with the 'cat lady' it's just cats)
