Monday, September 18, 2006

Ok so I was taking a little break

Alright so I inadvertently took off the whole month of august. As Gonzo mentioned though I am not without things to bitch about. Currently I'm having some trouble sleeping I think, cause I'm tired all the time. Well that and I wake up all tangled up in my sheets, with my comforter and pillows on the floor. Its really all very confusing and at the same time annoying because I am sleeping but only kind of. I also wake up and my body hurts like I overworked it or something. I don't know what is going on in my dream world, but clearly I'm trying to kill someone because the sounds like something I might do. It is really very odd though.
Ok well I really have nothing exciting to talk about at the moment. I can think of things to write when I'm not writing but not so much when I am. I did spent some time playing with my new camera program for my computer today and that was kind of fun. I made us cartoons. Well that was fun I also made us coloring books.
Also I learned how to upload them on my blog. I know you are all super excited. Though I haven't really figured out what to do with them once I get them here. Oh well. I always wanted to be a cartoon. I'm guessing this is as close as I will ever get. Well I do have around 500 pictures from the Seattle trip so Maybe I will do a Seattle picture speacial. Most likely I will not. Well I'm going to finish making dinner, so I can't stop eating panda express everyday at work.

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