Sunday, January 27, 2008

Aren't we all adults here?

This is the question I asked myself after my most recent conversation with my boss. See first about a half hour before I was leaving for the day she asks me if I'm working tomorrow because she needs to talk to me about something. I do work is what I tell her then I ask what she wants to talk to me about because why would it need to wait until tomorrow. Then I say are you going to yell at me (not that she yells just mean did I do something wrong). She says sort of, and I just want to make sure I give us enough time to talk about it.
Ok seriously who the fuck does that. I mean if you have something to say just say it. Don't tell me about it, then not tell me. So I was like just tell me what you need to talk to me about. To which we kind of get into it. I think its stupid that she won't tell me, and she's like well you didn't need to ask if you were in trouble. Really I was super irritated at this point. It just doesn't make sense to make me think about it all night till I work again. Who wants to go to working thinking they are going to get yelled at without knowing what its about. So I go talk to another co-worker about it. You know just to make sure I'm not the one being unreasonable by thinking that what she had just done was bullshit. The co-worker totally thought it was crap too. Because like I said seriously who does that.
Anyways after about fifteen minutes my said boss comes back and says we can just talk about it so you don't have to stew about it all night. Thanks for understand you were being a retarded bitch I think. So we go down to the office, and she shuts the door, which for the record is never a good sign. Then she tells me an associate came to another manger and our HR manger and told them that I had said "let get the fuck out of here" one night while closing. Now I'm trying to hold back my laugher here and take seriously what is absolutely ridiculous. I do not remember saying this, but clearly if you made it to line to of even this post you can see that I might have a bit of a potty mouth.
Then my boss proceeds explain that she was doing me a favor (my words not hers) by just nipping the situation in the bud so to speak, and that it could have turned into a whole big thing. Meaning that they could have investigated, asking more people if they heard me say it etc. etc. etc. I'm sitting there trying to take this all in without saying back are you fucking kidding me. Which I'm proud to say I didn't do, but come on I work retail I don't teach children. I'm wanted to dare her to investigate something so ridiculous considering the fact that half the building has a much worse mouth than I do. Some of those above me the worst offenders. Its not like I swore at someone, and yes I have heard other managers actually swear at associates. Yet I'm the one being accused of being unprofessional. Trust me when I say if I had to make a list here of all the unprofessional things the people I work with have done I would be here till next year. Including the fact that the she said it in such a way as to make it a threat, which breaks company policy far worse than my "lets get the fuck out of here."
I just don't get it honestly. Everyone I work with is over the age of 18. Swearing though not professional is part of every environment. Get the fuck over it. Its not like there were customers in the building, or I was yelling at someone. The best part is that I was telling the story to my HR manger, and she laughed her ass off because what I was told was not even what happened. Its completely ridiculous. Seriously if we could all just focus on real problems we all might actually get some fucking work done.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Random thoughts

  • First off I'm fucking freezing. I wouldn't mind paying so much for my gas and electric bill if it meant that it was actually warm in here, but I pay that much to freeze and it blows.
  • Things seem to be missing from my apartment a lot lately. I'm sure you all read about the missing dust pan. I'm still a little sad about that, however now I'm missing the bottom sheet to the only other set of sheets that I have. You can't tell me thats not weird seriously its not like I use them separately, which I know a lot of people do. I was them at the same time, I just don't understand. Clearly someone is stealing weird shit from my apartment and I want it to stop.
  • On the plus side of things I still get to ride the bus thats closest to me. Because our jackass state legislators managed to work out a bill at the very last min. Which is amazing to me because they've only been working on it for a year. Yeah they rock. I wish I got paid to not do my job.
  • Another on the plus side the guy I wasn't suppose to be dating is now being transfered to another store. So it doesn't have to be secret anymore, well as of Thursday but thats tomorrow so it will be ok.
  • I'm trying to be productive today, but its not going well. I started off on the right foot but then I opened up my computer and really its been all down hill since then.
  • Now my sheet have been in the washer for like an hour because they keep getting off balance. Which doesn't make sense because it actually a rather small load. Its annoying because the water is fucking cold and I keep having to stick my hand in it. AAHHHHH I hate this place.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


My gas bill is down to 78 dollars. I know your all excited as am I. Unfortunately now my electric bill is 94 dollars. Thats not really winning if you ask me. I fucking hate winter in this city. Well every city for that matter.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It is REAL

Last month I posted as part two of who's reading my blog. Basically what people googled to come up with my blog. One of them was "the little wine bus". I'm very happy to report that what ever it is IT IS REAL. I know this because someone from the little wine bus emailed me to see how I knew about it. I'm kind of excited, however I still have no clue what the little wine bus is. It is in NY which is not really close to me. However I'm sure I can be persuaded to take a little road trip to find out. Come on now who's down?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Too much time on my hangs

I haven't been at work a lot over the past few weeks. Maybe just the past week and a half. Between being sick as hell and the holiday day's that we get off each week among other things I feel like I haven't really worked much. Now normally I would be cool with that, but I'm getting more than a little bored at this point. Yesterday I went to the grocery store spent way too much money, but at least now I have food. Lots and Lots of food. I've downloaded lots of stuff from the internet as I'm sure you've read. But the funniest thing that I've done is bought a set of curlers and try to curl my hair. Now this might not seem all that funny except that you must know that even blow drying my hair is a effort to me. My hair isn't long but it has way past its point of really needing to be cut. Anyways my curls really really well. It seems i forgot this point. Now I'm bored with hair curled like a 1960'ies house wife. Its a bit crazy looking but I can't get rid of the curls unless I wash my hair. Which you'd think if I had so much time on my hands wouldn't be such a big deal. I thought about taking a picture of the funny hair but that would just be too funny for you all. This is ridiculous though I need to go back to work before I get even more out of control. Though I'm a bit scared to see what that would look like.

Friday, January 04, 2008

I'm know I'm a dork.

So in having my new ipod I've have decided that I need to download more things for me to listen too. Yesterday I found this new site where you can download free audio books. I love the free book. In fact I really love free anything. Here's the concept. They are books who's copy writes have expired. So most of them are old. Which is is good for me because I'm cheap and I would have bought them anyways eventually. But to have them for free is nice. Each chapter may or may not be read by a different person as its a volunteer thing. I thought this might be very annoying but so far its hasn't really be. I mean it would be nice if the whole book was read by the same person, but we sacrifice for not having to pay for the books. Which is really a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I downloaded Mansfield Park, which I was already reading on the computer because I downloaded it for free from this site. Which is basically the book downloaded on ones computer for free. This site is better for shorter books as its hard to read 48 chapters online. But thats just me. I read Emma, and The Secret Garden among other shorter books that I've downloaded from it. I enjoyed those immensely, but again they were shorter. In reading Masfield park I was getting a bit confused. And without the book its a little more difficult to go back and re-read that which you've missed out on.
Well I just wanted to share these fun new things. I also downloaded some audio books from this site but I haven't actually listened to them yet so I can not comment. They actually have all kinds though ones you can buy and what not. I might have downloaded more there but I already read a bunch of what they had for free. That and they have lots of things that I just don't want to read or listen too. Anyways I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New fun things

SO I had a very exciting Christmas this year. I didn't ask for anything. I said maybe I would like a new down comforter because the feathers our coming out of mine. Which mind you I really don't understand but that is a whole other entry.
Anyways I got a really fun fleece white Sox blanket that my mom made. Which in my fridge apartment has gone continual use. Its really really warm and I think everyone should have one. I also got a (red) Ipod. Which I've pretty much wanted since last year when it came out in octoberish of '06. My sister bought it for me. Its really way more fun that I thought it would be. See here's the thing. As you may know I have Itunes on my stupid cell phone. It only holds a 100 songs though which you will certainly be bored of on day two of your commute. That is if you can actually hear it on the train. I didn't know the Ipod would be so different. It sounds awesome, and I can hear it without needed to turn it up all the way. Its like this whole new world for me. I know most of you are probably thinking I've lost my mind yet again, but I didn't have one before so how was I suppose to know it would be so fun.
My next fun comes in the form of power tools, my mom bought me. My sister was a little sad I think because I might have appeared more excited to get the power tools than the Ipod. But I assure I love them both equally. So If you need my to drill anything for you I'm totally down. See I have got to play with my new tools because I have nothing that needs fixing. I did however go to Lowes online and turns out they have a creativity corner, but it turns out that I need some sort of saw thingy to do anything on there. Oh well maybe next year. Until then I'm your drill specialist. Though I don't promise that I have any idea what I'm doing.