Thursday, April 24, 2008

New phone part two

I can not tell you how much I love my new phone. Ok its not even so much that I love my new phone, which trust me I do, but its that it has this super fun game called bubble breaker that I've now become addicted to. I don't even play video games. The last time I played a game on my phone was when I was stuck in an airport in the middle of nowhere, one of those small ones with nothing to do, and I got super board. Downloaded something, can't even remember what it was, probably played it like twice.
Anyways I'm totally addicted to this new bubble game. I actually forgot to get off the train at the right stop because I was so busy playing my game. Normally I like to read but really even that I don't really care about it I can just play the bubble game. Its sooooooo very addicting.

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