Thursday, March 13, 2008

You can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes you get what you need. Besides being a good song and a cheesy way to start out I think that this applies to most things in life. Though I don't really think that most people feel this way. See maybe here's the problem. I don't think anything in life is perfect, or anyone for that matter. There is no perfect friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, sibling etc. There is no perfect job, perfect house, perfect life. But it seems however that people still believe that these things exist. On top of that they come without work, compromise, and should be easy. But thats the problem, nothing worth having is easy. Which might be why so many find it so easy to throw so much away for so little.
Don't get me wrong I not a believer in the idea that everything could and should work out. As I don't think that for even a second. I'm just saying that in this give me what I want when I want it society we seem to have created, that I think people have lost sight of whats really important. There is no person out there friend family or lover that can meet your every need. There is no job that will pay you large sums of money to do nothing. Anyways I just think people have lost their grip on reality, and maybe I'm also in a mood.