Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stupid weather.

Ok so I was mad when I couldn't wear my jacket because it was 90 degrees, but now I can't wear my jacket because its like 5 degrees. Maybe its not actually 5 degrees, but it might as well be because unless I go out between 12 and 2 its too cold to wear my new jacket. Which sucks because even if I do go out during those hours I usually means I have to work late, and it will be freezing when I get off work. I really don't like to be cold and that is the real problem. See I'm not enough a slave of fashion to be cold all the damn time. What happened to having Seasons. Yes I know I'm a big baby and its totally not winter yet, but this is why I hate fall. It better be nice this freaking spring, or I'll be even more pissed. This just sucks because the jacket is soooooooooo damn cute. ugh.