Monday, March 31, 2008

Poop palace

This is where I live. If you've been reading my blog for awhile you would understand that this is not the first time this has happened. This time however I didn't have the same ability to make it funny right away. In fact I was quite pissed. Now I want you to imagine with me your getting ready to go to bed. Annoyed to start with because you really need to do laundry but you can't. Why you ask, because you put all the laundry in the washer all set to go, put the quarters in and they get stuck. Because whoever owns the building can't manage to take the money out. So fuck it you think I'll just finish reading a bit and go to bed. Now you get all dressed for bed, and no sooner do you crawl into bed then you hear whats sounds like a volcano of water in your bathroom. Literally sounds like buckets of water dumping on the the bathroom floor. Your a bit confused because what the hell could make that noise. You go to the bathroom to find your toilet is spewing other peoples shit all over your floor. Not just in your floor, but like happened the last time its also coming out of the bathtub. There is at least and inch of water on your floor, so much that its coming out of the bathroom. You hunt for a towel to stop some of the mess. Then you don't know what to do but you really don't want to walk in all that mess, but you still really don't know whats going on. You have to figure it out so there you are standing in the middle of the pool off poop in your coach rain boots, and flannel pajama pants. However you just can't deal with it, so when the volcano stops you just turn around and walk away.
You call people and no one is really around, a few try hard, but your just not really hearing it. all you want is someone to make it better. You gag trying to get your sit out of the bathroom because the smell is horrible. You have to leave at 11pm because your apartment is not livable with no working toilet.
Needless to say your pretty upset. The best part is when all is said and done, and of course fixed the people who lease the building think your still going to stay there. Are you kidding me with this shit. WHY WHY would you ever think of staying. I HATE HATE this place.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My boobs grow in February

It possible that they start in January, but it takes me some time to notice. I know your thinking maybe I just gain weight in the winter, and I assure as true as that it, I gain and loss weight all year long so why do my boobs only grow in February? Not that I'm complaining or anything. Its just weird. I mean this is a new thing that started last year. Otherwise my boobs have been the same size since I was in like sixth grade. Turns out though that I've also been wearing the wrong size bra. Which I learned when B and I went shopping. On the plus size wearing the right size looks a whole lot better.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

You can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes you get what you need. Besides being a good song and a cheesy way to start out I think that this applies to most things in life. Though I don't really think that most people feel this way. See maybe here's the problem. I don't think anything in life is perfect, or anyone for that matter. There is no perfect friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, sibling etc. There is no perfect job, perfect house, perfect life. But it seems however that people still believe that these things exist. On top of that they come without work, compromise, and should be easy. But thats the problem, nothing worth having is easy. Which might be why so many find it so easy to throw so much away for so little.
Don't get me wrong I not a believer in the idea that everything could and should work out. As I don't think that for even a second. I'm just saying that in this give me what I want when I want it society we seem to have created, that I think people have lost sight of whats really important. There is no person out there friend family or lover that can meet your every need. There is no job that will pay you large sums of money to do nothing. Anyways I just think people have lost their grip on reality, and maybe I'm also in a mood.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

One dollar and 68 cents

Thats how much money has been in my checking account for the past week. The sad part is actually two fold. First that I actually had money in my savings account that I could not touch, and secondly that I've been trying really hard not to spend money. The first reason was really the most annoying because its really not my fault. I mean I guess it is partially my fault in that I did buy my brother that truck, however that being said it wasn't his fault either. See the loan turn out to be in default. I did call him and get a little bit mad, but I also had added him to my account last month because I was tired of dealing with it, being that he pays the damn bills. So he was actually getting everything together, and when he made the payment the bank put the amount in wrong. The best part is that the payment was only short three fucking dollars. How are you going to hold all the money in my savings account for THREE dollars, that my brother actually paid in the first place. Even if he didn't it was THREE damn dollars. And I never received a phone call or letter in the mail or anything. But alas it gets better cause when he goes in to take care of it, and they tell him its their fault, instead of fixing it that took the payment out all together making it worse. Anyways that part is fixed now, but it was quite annoying.
The second part is annoying because I really have been trying had to stop spending so much money, but everything seems to have gotten so much more expensive. I try to bring my lunch to work, but grocery shopping seems to cost me a small fortune to buy half as much as what I used to. It cost almost as much to bring lunch as to buy it, except that when I bring my damn lunch it seems like I'm starving by the time I get home. UGH I hate money.