Thursday, May 17, 2007

What fun this would be if I was 10 and not 27

For a long time now, I've been thinking to myself as I walk down the street across from my dwelling, "what is going on in that store front with the door open, and the windows all covered with white paper? Why is there L Ron Hubbard book is some of the windows? Most importantly why is that the only person I ever see in there is a half dressed old man, and why can't he have more clothes on? The only clue one is given is that all the books talk about Dianetics which isn't much of a clue to my liking since I have no idea what that word means. All I know is that on occasion when the door is open there will be one rarely two people inside the door, talking or something with an old fan on. All I can conclude logically from that is they have no air conditioning. When the door is open and the half dressed man is the only one inside he'll stare at me with the piercing eye's of a kidnapper who's tries to entice children with candy.
The whole buildings gives off the feeling of overwhelming evil. Something goes on in there, and by leaving the door open they want you to see. Yet at the same time they cover all the windows, so you can do no more than catch a glimse as you walk by. I do not dare stop to take a closer look, as there is always the half naked man starring as if daring me to come nearer.


dr gonzo said...

well, this sure helped me...

but thats kinda creepy. dont go inside!! :o)

Anonymous said...

so if you were a ten year old you would go inside?

Grace said...

eeekkk! stay away from Scientologists, crazy people (cough*tomcruise*cough)

littlebmouse said...

yeah I know what it is I was just writing a fun story